Evaluate student work


Students receive an end-of-course average grade based on a variety of assignments which generally fall into two main sources: formative and summative grades. Grades reflect mastery of standards as measured by quality assignments that assess student learning. Teachers will enter grades into Infinite Campus every week. Grade Reports are based on:

     *Formative Assignments (Assessments FOR learning): 

35% of the course average

Minimum of 4 per progress reporting period (every 4 ½ weeks)

     *Summative Assignments (Assessments OF learning): 

45% of the course average

Minimum of 1-2 per progress reporting period (every 4 ½ weeks), no fewer than 6 for the course

 *Final Summative Exam or EOC Milestone Test:

20% of the course average

Policy for make-up work

Per CCSD policy, students who are absent will be allowed to complete and turn in missing work according to the following criteria: 

Missing and/or incomplete work should be completed within the same grading period for no penalty. Any work missing after the current grading period may be given a maximum credit of 70. 

Students who miss class should email the teacher to request their missing work within 3 days of returning to school. All make-up work should be completed within 1 week after the student receives the missing work from their teacher. In the event a student is absent from school for more than a week, the student should complete all make-up work within the same number of days the student was absent from school.

Examples of rubrics, ratings scales, checklists or other  assessments for written and project-based assignments 


List of assessments by course




EOPA Pre assessment

Assessments and feedback are given on a regular basis

 These are given for every assignment. Either verbally or written. I always give students feedback on assignments and or physical projects. Such as editing, or shot composition, lighting, etc Anything to make the project better and more professional

Policy in place to save current student work either online,  on a video server, or another medium

 Students finished edited projects are saved on the classroom Mac Computer.. And I will sometimes upload their project(s) on the school website